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Professor Dr. Henning Niebuhr FEBS AWS

“Making specialized skills human in good organization.”

This is the guiding principle of Professor Dr. Henning Niebuhr. He is highly skilled in surgery and – like his partner Dr. Wolfgang Reinpold – offers the entire spectrum of abdominal wall surgery (inguinal, femoral, abdominal wall, incisional and hiatal hernias) with the highest level of competence.

Thanks to his extensive practical and scientific involvement, he belongs to the group of international top specialists and key opinion leaders in his field. Since 2020, he is one of the first 5 European specialists in abdominal wall surgery. The scientific commitment results in far more than 300 high-ranking published works, lectures, book contributions as well as in the habilitation and professorship on the subject. His membership in various international guideline commissions demonstrates the more practical side of his scientific commitment.

Professor Niebuhr develops, optimizes and applies:

  • Microinvasive endoscopic techniques (MILS) with skin incisions no larger than 2.8 mm outer diameter to optimize the functional and cosmetic outcome of a minimally invasive procedure -including E/MILOS techniques.
  • Highly topical the Intraoperative Fascia Traction (IFT) during surgery of very large incisional hernias to achieve gentle abdominal wall closure without having to use more technically complex component separation procedures in every case.
  • Special ultrasound examinations of the groin and abdominal wall (the DIUS procedure developed by him) to make diagnostics, which until now have not always been target-oriented, more reliable.

Professor Niebuhr has influenced the training of the next generation of surgeons from the very beginning as DEGUM Ultrasound Seminar Director as well as lecturer and instructor in all courses of the Hernia School. Currently, he has initiated the virtual format Hernia Contact. He has served in humanitarian and training missions in Tanzania and China.

He has hosted the annual congress of the German Hernia Society as president, as well as the world’s largest specialty congress for abdominal wall and hernia surgery in 2019 as congress secretary with his partner Dr. Reinpold as president.

As early as 1994, Professor Niebuhr developed and founded the first short-term therapy center at a large Hamburg hospital, thus triggering the rapid development of hospitals towards more patient orientation. Further successful foundations of the Hanse Surgery, the Hanse Hernia Center Hamburg certified as a reference center for hernia surgery and currently the Hamburg Hernia Center prove the organizational competence.


years of experience
in hernia surgery

Personal experience from over 10,000 mostly minimally invasive surgeries of inguinal
and abdominal wall hernias (IFT, MILOS and MILS specialist)

Developer of the new Intraoperative Fascia Traction (IFT) for abdominal wall closure in very large incisional hernias.

Board member Studies of the German Hernia Society (since 2016), Congress President 2018

Congress Secretary of the World's Largest Specialty Congress on Abdominal Wall and Hernia Surgery 2019

DEGUM seminar leader (Level 3), 100+ courses, developer of the DIUS ultrasound procedure

Board member of the German Hernia School (courses Hernia Compact, Hernia Concrete, Hernia Complex, Hernia Contact)

Main achievements

Personal surgical experience of over 10,000 mostly minimally invasive inguinal, abdominal wall, diaphragmatic hernia surgeries, including over 2,500 incisional hernias, 150 posterior component separations, over 250 surgeries for giant abdominal wall hernias with loss of domain (incl. 55 operations to date using Intraoperative Fascia Traction (IFT)).
Introduction and application of special ultrasound examinations of the groin and abdominal wall (DIUS procedure) to improve diagnostic confidence.
Introduction and application of special techniques for the treatment of large abdominal wall hernias:
1. Intraoperative Fascia Traction as an alternative to component separation - IFT;
2. posterior component separation - TAR;
3. Preoperative use of botulinum toxin A to facilitate closure of large abdominal wall defects;
4. combined abdominal wall / plastic surgery surgical procedure for large rectus diastasis.
Research and development on microinvasive laparoscopic surgical technique (MILS) to minimize access trauma, among others.
Conference Secretary of the European Hernia Society Annual Congress 2019 in Hamburg with over 1500 participants from all over the world.
Over 200 publication on hernia surgery in peer-reviewed journals / textbooks among others. Over 150 presentations on hernia surgery at national and international congresses.
Member and co-author of several international hernia surgery guideline groups, including:
IEHS guidelines of TAPP and TEP;
IEHS guidelines of endoscopic and laparaoscopic ventral and incisional hernia repair, Herniasurge, 1st International Guidelines on inguinal hernia repair.
Habilitation and professorship
Regular university lectures on the subject of minimally invasive and hernia surgery
Co-founder and scientific director of the internationally renowned Hamburg sonography courses (100+ courses to date)
Scientific Advisory Board Member of the German Hernia School (courses Hernia Compact, Hernia Concrete, Hernia Complex, Hernia Contact)
Scientific Advisory Board Member of the Hernia Days in Hamburg, Berlin and Cologne
Scientific Director and organizer of numerous also virtual workshops on complex abdominal wall hernias and inguinal hernias
Scientific Advisory Board Member of the Herniamed registry
Foundation, development and scientific support of the first short-term therapy center in a large hospital in Germany

Scientific focus

Development of microinvasive techniques to minimize access trauma.
Development and introduction of Intraoperative Fascia Traction (IFT) as an alternative to and in combination with component separation procedures in the management of large abdominal wall hernias.
Ultrasound diagnostics: DIUS procedure for reliable diagnosis of inguinal / abdominal wall hernias
Training and education in hernia surgery and ultrasound diagnostics
Initiation of and accompanying research on organizational forms in hernia surgery.
Initiating and conducting scientific studies on hernia topics.

Curriculum vitae

since 2021
Chefarzt Hamburger Hernien Centrum (HHC) – Referenzzentrum für Hernien- und Bauchwandchirurgie
Gründung Hamburger Hernien Centrum
since 2020
Fellow of the European Board of Surgery – Abdominal Wall Surgery (F.E.B.S - AWS)
Einführung der Intraoperativen Faszien Traktion (IFT)
Kongress Sekretär des 41. Internationalen EHS Kongresses in Hamburg 2019
Präsident der DHG Jahrestagung 2018 in Hamburg
Humanitäre und Ausbildungsmission: Laparoskopische (Hernien-) Chirurgie, Tansania
since 2016
Kooperation mit plastischem Chirurgen in der Behandlung großer Rektusdiastasen
since 2016
Focus Ärzteliste Hernienchirurgie
since 2016
MILOS Spezialist
since 2016
Vorstandsmitglied Deutsche Herniengesellschaft (DHG)
since 2016
Chefarzt Hernienchirurgie ATOS Fleetinselklinik Hamburg
since 2014
Zertifizierung als Referenzzentrum der DGAV / CAH / DHG
since 2013
Herniasurge: International Guidelines for Treatment of groin hernia
Gründung des Hamburger Netzwerkes Leistenschmerz
Einführung der speziellen DIUS Leisten- und Bauchwandultraschall Technik
Facharztanerkennung Spezielle Viszeralchirurgie
since 2011
Mitglied Wissenschaftliche Leitungsgruppe: Weiterbildungskurs Hernie kompakt junge Chirurgie
since 2009
Mitglied Wissenschaftliche Leitungsgruppe: Herniamed Qualitätssicherungsstudie/-register
OMTC (Ausbilder laparoskopische Operationen)
since 2009
Chefarzt Hernienchirurgie Facharztklinik Hamburg
since 2008
Lehrauftrag an der Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften in Hamburg
Gründung Hanse Chirurgie und Hanse-Hernienzentrum
since 2003
Chefarzt Hernienchirurgie Agaplesion Bethesda Krankenhaus Bergedorf
Habilitation im Fachbereich Medizin UKE Ernennung zum Privatdozenten für das Fach Chirurgie
since 2000
Chefarzt Hernienchirurgie Praxis Klinik Bergedorf
Facharztanerkennung Viszeralchirurgie
ESI Faculty (Ausbilder laparoskopische Operationen)
Facharztanerkennung Chirurgie
since 1991
DEGUM Ultraschallkurse Abdomen / Retroperitoneum
DEGUM Seminarleiter (Ultraschallausbilder Stufe 3)
Facharztweiterbildung im Klinikum Nord Hamburg bei Professor Rückert
Medizinstudium an der Universität Hamburg


German Hernia Society
European Hernia Society
International Endohernia Society
German Society for Surgery DGCH
German Society for General and Visceral Surgery (DGAV)
Surgical Working Group Hernia Surgery of the DGAV (CAH)
Association of North German Surgeons NDCH
German Society for Ultrasound in Medicine (DEGUM)

Member of management committees of international journals

Editorial Board Member: International Journal of Abdominal Wall and Hernia Surgery
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