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Surgery Clinics

We operate in 5 selected partner clinics in Hamburg.

Helios Mariahilf Clinic (Harburg)*

Surgery clinic for:

  • Dr. Reinpold**
  • Dr. Berger***

Stader Str. 203C
21075 Hamburg

Phone: +49 40 237 246 020
Fax: +49 40 237 246 029

You can reach us by car or taxi as well as by city train and bus (bus stop in the immediate vicinity).

*The Helios Mariahilf Clinic is currently not part of the certified reference center for hernia surgery.
** employed head physician at the Helios Mariahilf Clinic
*** provides in-patient services as an employed physician of Elbe Hernien Centrum EHC GmbH on behalf of Helios Mariahilf Clinic

Agaplesion Bethesda Hospital Bergedorf

Surgery clinic for:

  • Prof. Niebuhr
  • Dr. Dag

Glindersweg 80
21029 Hamburg Bergedorf

Phone: +49 40 333 96 819
Fax: +49 40 422 96 62

You have several possibilities to come to us: By own car or taxi, as well as by city train and bus.

ATOS Clinic Fleetinsel (city center)

Surgery clinic for:

  • Dr. Reinpold
  • Prof. Niebuhr
  • Dr. Dag

Admiralitätsstr. 3-4
20459 Hamburg

You can reach us directly by city train (S1 Stadthausbrücke) or by metro (U3 Rödingsmarkt).

Schedule an appointment
Dr. Reinpold
Phone: +49 40 237 246 020
Fax: +49 40 237 246 029

Schedule an appointment
Prof. Niebuhr and Dr. Dag
Phone: +49 40 333 96 819
Fax: +49 40 422 96 62

Facharztklinik Hamburg (Eppendorf)

Surgery clinic for:

  • Dr. Reinpold
  • Prof. Niebuhr
  • Dr. Dag

Martinistr. 78
20251 Hamburg

You can reach us by car or taxi, as well as by metro and bus (stops in the immediate vicinity).

Schedule an appointment
Dr. Reinpold
Phone: +49 40 237 246 020
Fax: +49 40 237 246 029

Schedule an appointment
Prof. Niebuhr and Dr. Dag
Phone: +49 40 333 96 819
Fax: +49 40 422 96 62

Praxisklinik Bergedorf

Surgery clinic for:

  • Prof. Niebuhr
  • Dr. Dag

Alte Holstenstr. 16, 1st floor
21031 Hamburg Bergedorf

Phone: +49 40 725 75 115
Fax: +49 40 725 75 113

You have several possibilities to come to us: By car (Navi: Hein-Moeller-Str.) or taxi, by bus or city train.

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